Stock Wealth - Let's Go Stock Trading!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Will Election Results Impact the Stock Market?

Today is Singapore's 10th General Election. Some analysts said the results of the election may impact the stock market, depending on whether the going-to-be ruling party receives a strong mandate from our people. A friend of mine jokingly said better sell all the stocks before the polling day as this time the opposition is quite strong. I have not closed some positions as the stock price has gone quite low, and recently I read that we should not give up the stocks too early as they tend to bounce back. Plus the economy is still going strong. So, let's see if this saying is correct.

As for the election, this is the first time that PM Lee Hsien Loong is leading his party into this election. He said his party has presented its vision for Singapore and explained what this means in concrete terms for Singaporeans. This means, Mr Lee said, "opportunities for all who work hard to secure good and better-paying jobs; top-quality education for your children to give them the best possible start in life; first-class living environment, with homes that all of us can be proud of; high quality but affordable medical care, with no one denied medical treatment because of inability to pay; and focused and targeted assistance for the poor and needy so that no one will be left behind as Singapore progresses." Let's check this blog again five years later and verify if these have been achieved...

PS: Use of language is an art. Different people can have varying interpretation for the same piece of art. That's why fortune teller can be right most of the time because it really depends on how we interprete the fortune :p

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